Luna with Lisa

Luna with Lisa

My name is Lisa Barger and I am a "chief home officer"  with a wonderful husband, two precious boys, one 27 and the other 18 and an Alaskan Malamute named Luna (who we named the business after!). Luna our loving malamute passed away in 2021, see the video below, we miss you Lunies! We have two cats, Savannah, grey and Winston, orange with pure orange eyes.  Over the years I have volunteered at both of my children’s schools and sports programs.  Some of the jobs I have had include being a volunteer  room mom, PTA community service, school spirit merchandise chair, event fundraiser chair, soccer team manager, hospitality co-chair, school dance coordinator  and assistant soccer coach just to name a few.  Prior I worked as an outside advertising regional sales director for multiple local publications.  

Some of my hobbies are running, cross fit, hiking, biking, enjoying a good book, and cooking gourmet food with our wonderful friends in our cook club.  Back in the day, when kids were at school, Luna, my original co-captain and I would take daily walks, hikes, visits to the dog park, or runs.

Luna was a special, sweet and gentle hundred pound pure-bred Alaskan Malamute.  She loved her daily walks and outings and thrived because of them.  Here’s a celebration of life video honoring Luna with her wonderful tribe. We will always miss you lunies!

Luna 2010 - 2022